Enjoying Things as They’ve Calmed Down (Sort Of)

I’m in a pretty picky mood in terms of my post topic today. For lack of a better idea, UPDATES DAY! With the VMCAS complete, I felt like I had all the time in the world. In reality, I have just about the same amount of time (little to none) as I usually do. And that’s until grad school application drama starts. Until then, I have tons of music to calm me, my little zoo and the well placed mental health weekends that I love so much.

At the hospital, we’re down to fewer adoptable kittens. Tara the Terror is still here being the snuggliest Tortoiseshell on the planet! Brothers Moe and Jack (black and white kittens) are finally calming down to where it’s really just dogs that freak them out. Their mom, Abigail, seems pretty at ease not having to keep watch over her latest litter of three (the third brother, Manny, renamed Buster, has been adopted!). Little Obi is as cute and crazy as ever and comes back and forth to the hospital with another kennel assistant. And Alice (aka Hissy Spitty) and Lulu (Squeaky) are getting along swimmingly since they’ve been put together. Little Lulu has done amazing things for Alice who wouldn’t even let anyone touch her when she first came to us. She would hiss repeatedly and stomp at you. Even though you knew she couldn’t get to you, it was still a bit startling. Currently, they have giardia. :-/

Barkley went home with a couple last night!!! I got to meet them and hang out while the three got acquainted as the doctor on his case was busy with emergencies. They seem nice and he’s about the sweetest pit bull you could meet, so hopefully, he’ll take to being back in a house well and we’ll only see him for wellness check-ups! He’s come a long way through heartworm, skin issues, and happy tail. His previous owners, who I can only hope have no other pets right now, wanted him euthanized.

So what’s on deck for me? Well, aside from my three jobs, I have to care for her:

Happy belated birthday Goldie!


Archie having a bath

And these crazies (both of which are coming to the hospital with me since Smudgie’s ear looks gross and I don’t trust Symba by himself):

Smudge & Symba doing what they do best.

I suppose you could say I’m busy.